Leal’s Snacks, a family-run vending, micro market, and office coffee operation, has been serving Waco since 2008. Eric Leal, chief operating officer at Leal’s, joined the company in 2011 with one goal in mind: grow the family business by focusing on technology and customer service.

“Over the years, we’ve grown exponentially not only through investing in technology, but also in people,” said Eric.

By pairing Leal’s Snack’s customer service skills with technology from Parlevel micro markets, Eric has significantly grown his family business while delivering a level of service his company can be proud of.

Parlevel Micro Markets – An Idea Takes Form

Eric’s fascination with technology quickly brought him toward the wide world of micro markets. Eric heard about the concept right after he joined up with Leal’s Snacks, and understood that they were the next big thing in the world of vending.

“I saw it early on, but we didn’t get our first market until two years later,” said Eric.

Eric spent this time searching for a technology partner that could help them excel in the micro market space. After looking at multiple providers, Leal’s decided on Parlevel Systems – a vending, office coffee, and micro market technology provider that could provide the technology tools Eric was looking for. Once Leal’s Snacks pulled the trigger and launched their first micro market, Eric’s faith in the concept was quickly proven right.

“All of the customers were excited, and HR managers and GMs were on cloud nine,” said Eric.

“The Proof is in the Pudding”

Parlevel micro markets gave Eric the ability to offer increased variety, superior service, and a high-tech checkout solution right on site. Eric paired Parlevel micro markets powerful tools with his customer-centric approach to find the success and growth he’d been searching for.

“We noticed that micro markets by leaps and bounds defeat vending when it comes to revenues and profits,” said Eric. “One vending bank brings in $1000 a month – with markets we can up to triple that number. At the highest, we’ve seen it go up to quadrupling our sales…we had one account that did $30,000 a year go up to $120,000 a year.”

Looking Forward

While Eric and Leal’s Snacks are well on their way to achieving their goals, there is still work to be done. Eric wants to continue growing Leal’s Snacks micro market business lines. By embracing the latest technology from Parlevel micro markets and focusing on the right locations, Eric plans to keep finding success. Leal’s Snacks found a technology provider that not only provides all the tools he needs for a successful operation, but one that genuinely cares about the success and growth of their operation.

“I’m thankful for the Parlevel team that is willing to communicate and sit down with operators like myself. It makes all the difference in the world. I feel like (Parlevel) is treating us like (their) only customer – that’s worth its weight in gold.”

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