A new month, new updates to the Parlevel platform! Check out these helpful additions across our management system:

  1. Micro Market Language Preferences
    Don’t let language barriers get in the way of market sales! Offer English or Spanish options at your kiosk.
  2. Micro Market Product Exports
    Export micro market products, pricing, and inventory to send directly to your accounts and micro market users.
  3. Market Two-Tier Fees by Percent
    Maintain flexibility by choosing to charge two-tier fees at your market as a flat-rate or percentage option.
  4. Disable Two-Tier Fees on Reloads
    Disable two-tier prices on micro market wallet reloads. Get the best of both worlds by charging two-tier fees on credit card purchases, while encouraging the use of wallets.
  5. Customer Order Date
    Increase your service efficiency with the ability to adjust your customer order date to fit with your other scheduled services.
  6. Optimized Market Transaction Page
    We’ve made this page much faster and added many new filtering options that make it easy to find the info you are looking for.
  7. Parlevel University Videos
    Checkout the YouTube channel tab inside Parlevel U to find helpful videos like operator spotlights, hardware installs, and product updates like this one!


Keep your eye out for more product features to come! Want to see a specific feature developed? Let us know!
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